Category: Consumer Insights

  • Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Hike: How to train. What to bring.

    Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim Hike: How to train. What to bring.

    Why it Matters Discover why proper training can be a game-changer for completing the Grand Canyon’s 24-mile rim-to-rim hike. The Big Picture Ah, the Grand Canyon—a gaping wound in the Earth so profound that even poets would struggle to capture its essence. But nothing—no photograph, not even your grandma’s over-embellished stories—can prepare you for a […]

  • Best Seven Consumer Insights Behaviour Books

    Best Seven Consumer Insights Behaviour Books

    Consumer behavior is a fascinating area of study that explores how people make decisions about purchasing products and services. Here are some of the best books on consumer behavior I have read, and recommend. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman This book explores the two systems of thinking that people use when making decisions […]

  • Innovation is hard. Startup decks from unicorns.

    Innovation is hard. Startup decks from unicorns.

    The initial ideas always look rough. You need a lot of socializing of the initial pitches to find the market fit and initial traction. Innovation is hard. Customers may be hesitant to adopt new technologies or ways of doing things, and existing businesses may resist disruption to their established business models. Founders are always in […]

  • What will we see in the next five years in the Market Research Industry?

    What will we see in the next five years in the Market Research Industry?

    Taking out my crystal ball….What will significantly increase, what will stay the same, what will decline? How will these be acted upon? My predictions…let me know your perspective, I can be wrong at times. 1.      More platforms, fewer one-off projects. The quality and productivity transformation behind “the platform” for Concept and Copy testing is just […]

  • The rule of thirds: What is the right percentage to feel overwhelmed in your job?

    The rule of thirds: What is the right percentage to feel overwhelmed in your job?

    I had a good conversation with a mentee looking to change roles. He was very comfortable in his current role, and clearly a high performer. His fear was that going into a new role will be disruptive to his career, and his well-being. This begs the question “how overwhelmed should you feel in your job?”. […]

  • “Moneyball” by Michael Lewis, or “How AI Changes Strategy?”

    “Moneyball” by Michael Lewis, or “How AI Changes Strategy?”

    Moneyball is my favorite book on the application of AI. It has a trifecta amongst all books:  Baseball, Brad Pitt, and a story of the underdog. What can be more American and more appealing? But the real reason I love this book is the way it demonstrates how AI drives a strategy change in an […]