Category: Books

  • Best Seven Consumer Insights Behaviour Books

    Best Seven Consumer Insights Behaviour Books

    Consumer behavior is a fascinating area of study that explores how people make decisions about purchasing products and services. Here are some of the best books on consumer behavior I have read, and recommend. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman This book explores the two systems of thinking that people use when making decisions […]

  • Book review: The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness

    Book review: The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness

    The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness is an excellent book that explores the key factors that contribute to happiness and fulfilling life. The five stars go more towards the study lengths and methodology than to the writing style. Waldinger’s writing is engaging and accessible, and he uses personal anecdotes […]

  • What will we see in the next five years in the Market Research Industry?

    What will we see in the next five years in the Market Research Industry?

    Taking out my crystal ball….What will significantly increase, what will stay the same, what will decline? How will these be acted upon? My predictions…let me know your perspective, I can be wrong at times. 1.      More platforms, fewer one-off projects. The quality and productivity transformation behind “the platform” for Concept and Copy testing is just […]

  • “Moneyball” by Michael Lewis, or “How AI Changes Strategy?”

    “Moneyball” by Michael Lewis, or “How AI Changes Strategy?”

    Moneyball is my favorite book on the application of AI. It has a trifecta amongst all books:  Baseball, Brad Pitt, and a story of the underdog. What can be more American and more appealing? But the real reason I love this book is the way it demonstrates how AI drives a strategy change in an […]

  • Best AI Books: “The Master Algorithm” by Pedro Domingos

    Best AI Books: “The Master Algorithm” by Pedro Domingos

    “The Master Algorithm,” by Pedro Domingos, is my second most favorite book on Artificial Intelligence, and one of the most comprehensive and thought-provoking explorations of the field of machine learning and its potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and disciplines. First of all, who is Pedro Domingos?  Pedro Domingos is a leading AI […]